Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's in a name?

I'm horrible at making up titles.  Some posts will probably have titles longer than the content, because I think that sort of thing is hilarious.

I never said this would be a sophisticated blog.

So when I started this thing, like, three days ago, all I knew was what I wanted to write about and I hadn't even contemplated what I would call the darn thing.  At first I came up with "Fit for fat".  I was pretty proud of that one until I found out the url had already been taken.  Bummer.  The rest of them were pathetic, feeble attempts at being witty, amusing, cute, and a bunch of other adjectives I can't remember.  That's how dumb they probably were.

I settled on "The Scale Goddess" because some days I feel like I've been inducted into a crazy cult... I should probably clarify that.  Look at this way.  Every morning, I pay my respects to an object.  The feedback that object gives me defines my day.  If it's positive, I'm happy, confident, strutting around, shaking that thang.  If it's negative, I'm destitute, bereft, melancholy, a grumpy Gus, not happy.  I think of all the things I could do to fix the object's opinion of me.  And when I get home, against all reason, I strip naked and weigh myself again. Oh, I didn't mention that I weigh myself in the buff?  Because I totally do.  This object is the scale, and I go to it everyday, sometimes multiple times a day... naked.  Change the scale to the moon or some other cosmic force and I'm a stereotypical Wiccan.

If this sound completely crazy, that's because it is.  Not that Wiccan's are crazy.  I love Wiccans.  Gee Dee it,  rewind.  What I'm trying to say is, as weird as all religion is to me, I will be the first to admit that this behavior is weirder.

As I said the other day, I'm better at outwardly responding to the scale.  I don't binge.  That's a huge  accomplishment for me.  But I absolutely let it affect me in almost every other way.  This isn't good.  In many ways, getting out of this crazy cult is almost more important than losing the rest of the weight.  I think writing about it will be therapeutic for me.  Even if it is the equivalent of talking to an empty room.  Crazy if you do, crazy if you don't.

And that's why the blog is called The Scale Goddess!

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